Providing all children days of fun and growth in their own way

Setting an ideal image of a child as a goal of our childcare may seem advisable; however, such an ideal is only one possibility out of the many our children have the potential to be.
When working toward a predetermined ideal, childcare creates assumptions about how something “should be.” In some instances, this could even drive children into a corner.
At the Nijinokai, we perform childcare based on the idea that everyone is born with their own different personality and each child has a unique direction they should pursue.
To discover children’s potential and develop their character, we must learn about their individuality. Such traits are not definite from the beginning nor simply recognizable. We believe that one’s personality is cultivated through interactions with the adults and other children surrounding them as they enjoy their everyday activities.

Children will feel peace of mind from the warm words and attention parents and guardians give them. “Are the kids enjoying themselves?” “We want to help them find what they love and excel at.” These are the ideas we hold as we strive to create a place of belonging for every child.
Rather than moving closer to a predetermined ideal, we want to walk alongside children and help them find their possibilities in a genuine manner. We want all children, in their own unique ways, to enjoy every day as they grow with their friends and teachers. This is our childcare policy at Nijinokai.