The meaning of our name: Nijinokai
Under the Christian spirit of love, the Social Welfare Corporation Nijinokai was founded to contribute to local welfare, support working women, and create a nursery that would act as a peaceful second home for children. The “niji (rainbow)” in our corporate name has a special meaning in Christianity. In Genesis, known for the story of the ark, God speaks to Noah and the animals that believed in him after the deluge.

He says that the rainbow is a sign of the covenant between Him and Noah, as well as everyone with him. He will place the rainbow in the clouds, and remember the covenant every time it appears. No one will be threatened by annihilation by flood again.
Yuki Yamada
Hi, I’m Yuki Yamada, Principal at Nijinokai and video creator. Born from my own experiences, “mieruka” is a new nursery school information service based on video.
Nursery schools are the first tiny communities where children spend time away from their parents. They’ll spend every day nervous and excited with childcare workers and new same-aged friends. At the same time, the parents will be just as anxious when leaving their kids at school.
When my son started going to nursery school, I was half happy and half worried. I wondered, “Is he getting along with his friends? Is he behaving all right? Most importantly, is he having fun?”
As a parent/guardian myself, I know how hard it can be to balance work and family. I’ve realized that what cheers us adults up the most is seeing the happy faces of our children. There are facial emotions that you can’t see at home, like when they’re carefully working on crafts or playing around with friends. We share these regular but special everyday clippings from school with you through a communication notebook app called Kids’ Note.
By graduation time, the app will have become a record of your child’s growth — something you can treasure for life.